Friday, October 17

To Those Who Have Posed Questions on my Beliefs and Spirituality.

I admit it, I am an atheist. I am not proud of it, nor am I ashamed of it. I will say it when I need to and stress on the fact that I am one and it is my belief.

Okay, number one. An answer to Devinna's question.

The reason why I said Hinduism was dirty because
a) I didn't know what to say.
b) It was one of them questions where I'd look for a word in my head and just simply pick one to get it over with and move on.

I did not mean any offense to Hinduism because
a) There isn't a reason to.

I think that if you are to accept me as a friend, you are also to accept my beliefs and spirituality. What you said today was very annoying and I did not feel comfortable having to answer them truthfully. It is one of my sensitive topics of which I do not wish to touch or have anything to do with.

I believe in the Darwin's theory. I accept the theory because of the evidence available which confirms and answers my question.

I do not believe in the existence of God, Demons and The Holy Spirit because there is no evidence to support their existence.

Although my belief in evolution is strong, I admit, I do not happen to know everything about anything.

However, if I was presented with proofs and evidence that would have disapproved my beliefs, I would change my mind.

I do hope that this topic will not be brought up again.

Yours truly,
Natasha Lim.