Tuesday, October 14

A Lesson Learnt

Oh wow 4 A.M and Natasha is awake?
Yeah, she is.

And she's blogging. A poem.

She sat by the window sill
Stared out the brown square frame
Wondered if she should
Travel down the road.

She stood by the door
Stared out the brown rectangular frame
Wondered if she should
Travel down the road.

She stood by the road
Stared out of her rectangular glasses
Wondered if she should
Travel down the road.

As she walked barefoot
To travel down the road
She realized that she should
Have listened to her mom.

As she walked barefoot
To travel down the road
She realized that she should
Have worn her torn little sandals.

As she walked barefoot
To travel down the road
She realized that she should
Ignore all the pains.

She lay on the bed
Thinking of the flash
The pain burning her
Her mother, crying for her.

She lay on the bed
Thinking of the flash
The pain burning her
A joyrider, had hit her.

She lay on the bed
Thinking of the flash
The pain burning her
She, had learnt her lesson.

Natasha L.

It's kinda weird really, this poem. I'm actually trying to say that because this particular girl, didn't listen to her mom, had to feel the pain because she was hit by a car. Well, don't look at it at one angle. Try to relate it with current social problems. Like uh... Taking drugs and having to pay the price and stuff like that. So, listen to advice before things are too late.

Hope you liked it. Or at least, GOT IT.